Topics for Potential Collaboration
1. Artificial intelligence technology application evaluation: Research application evaluation methodology of different AI technology. There are lot of companies which use the similar AI technology for the same business scenario. We need to research an evaluation methodology to find out the best solution.
2. Innovation methodology training: AstraZeneca is full of innovation spirit. The advanced innovation methodology is very important.
3. Computer Vision (CV): Fundamental research/capability about (potential) application issues of computer vision: use CV help doctors to detect lung nodules, gastric cancer, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and DR (Diabetic Retinopathy).
4. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Research about AI assistant with NLP to do the follow-visit. Follow-up visit is very important for some disease areas – cancer, metabolic disease. Currently doctors have to use the WeChat or SMS to do the follow-up visit.
5. Prediction Algorithm:Research how to predict disease risk (like CDK(Chronic kidney disease), Lung cancer etc.) with prediction algorithm and health exam data.
6. Intelligent Recommendation: Research how to base on the health exam data and the fusion algorithm of knowledge model and empirical model to provide the standardized drug usage to the doctors
7. Knowledge graph: research how to make the AstraZeneca knowledge graph or disease knowledge graph. It can be use in chat bots to improve the internal efficiency.